I know you guys are just jumping out of your seats about this next LOTM post.
I mean come on. It is about hiking!
This week we had the incredibly hard task of picking our favorite hike. At first my brain shut down with a cannot compute error. Favorite hike? I just.. cannot..comprehend..
There is this one hike. This one really special hike that was my first date with my husband. So I guess that can count. I'm actually kind of cheating. This hike is a duel hike, because honestly you cannot go on one without the other.

Helton Creek is part one of day hike epicness. Rion took me to these falls and I thought he was driving me into the wilderness to kill me. Instead, I was not killed AND I got to swim under that waterfall. It's kind of gross how romantic that is.

Part deux of said epicness is Cow Rock. Cow Rock is Rion and my go to hike. It is the perfect getaway hike- you honestly feel so far away from everything. That's the goal right? I've taken so many people up to that little place of serenity, and they've all fallen in love. I will miss this little rock when we move away.
So now you know what to wear and where to go. Umm what the heck are you waiting for??
Don't forget to check out where these chicks like to play!
wow. what a view! i love waterfalls. one thing i love the most about hiking is what i feel when i reach the peak. it's just satisfying.
I love it. :) What a gorgeous hike! I just hiked to a waterfall that looks an awful lot like that, yesterday. :D it was gorgeous. Is it portland or seattle that you're moving to? If it's portland, than you'll need to go to silver falls. :) It's an 8 mile trail that goes to 10 waterfalls! I didn't get to do the 8 mile loop, but I saw 3 of the 10... haha!
im dying.
my first date with jeff was on his ranch and all of my girlfriends thought he was a serial killer!
phew, at least we took our chances.....right?
xo the egg out west.
It looks beautiful! What an awesome first date!
that looks awesome. i always want to swim under waterfalls & i never have. sooner or later... also, you inspired me & so i made a hike post too :)
I love how you went on a hike on your first date! Love the pics! Looks beautiful!
Aww what a great first date, severely jealous you got to swim under a waterfall!! Aar took me to a park for our first date too, sans amazing views and waterfall though haha
gorgeous hike! we just moved to Nothern Idaho this summer and we were enjoying many hikes, mountains (even goats haha) and waterfalls. Love mountain nature!
I LOVE hiking with my husband. The first time he took me I totally freaked out though :) There's no better feeling. We went to Savage Gulf in TN this weekend and had a blast. We may or may not have skinny dipped. Haha.
I just hiked Lookout Mountain in the Black Mountain/Montreat, NC area.. it was beautiful, all the leaves are changing. I feel like I need to send you some of our local seasonal beers because you would truly appreciate them.. I wonder how one would go about doing that?
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