Let's Talk Donuts


May 7, 2012
 Seriously people. Best donuts I've ever had! How did I find out about this place? My mom sent me an email with their link on it. The heading of the email was "urgent: reply immediately." I love my mom. The email also said that we should go together, but here's the thing... she lives 14 hours away. So I went without her. Don't worry, I'll take her next time she's down.
 It was pretty surprising. The shop was neither a really cool, fancy place nor an awesome hole in the wall. It was in a strip mall. Not what my romantic heart had pictured. But honestly this shop could have been made out of elephant poop- I still would have eaten their donuts.
 Rion and I got a glorious half dozen donuts. We tried to find a park to eat them at (I guess being outside would have made me feel better about the calories), but Atlanta traffic is frustrating so we ate them in the car. Still delicious.
That first one is a Nutella donut, let me repeat that Nutella! That second one was a strawberry and creme powdered donut. They used fresh strawberries. I died.
So if you ever find yourself in Atlanta go to Sublime Donuts, your taste buds will never be the same.


Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

My heart just stopped. Effing stopped.

That last one. omg, tears.

Your mom's subject line killed me.

I died reading your blog twice today.

Jazz said...

Ummmm, yum?!

hitherandthither said...

Just ran across your blog from Secondhand Sunday, and I love reading it! I gotta say, one of my favorite days ever circulated around donuts. My soccer team had just won the state championship and I was walking back to my truck to go home/shower/then celebrate and found a flyer for free donuts on my windshield. Needless to say my love of carbs won out and I 86ed the shower and stuffed my face instead. Gooooood day.


Leila said...

I am not much of a donut person usually, but I may be sold--a Nutella donut?!? THAT IS GENIUS!

and, also, I am becoming more and more in love with your mom after reading these posts, hahaha.