So... stuff has happened.
This stuff has happened.

1. Lena and I have Skyped (multiple times)! I freaking miss this girl.
2. We have wild grapes growing in the jungle that is our front yard.
3. Mellow Mushroom. Need I say more? Oh and it was free... thanks Mom!
4. A little walk with my fella and the pups.
5. Downpour= I should be able to stay in bed instead of going to school/work.
6. Skinnygirl Margaritas. Oh yes.
Even though school has been slowly torturing the life out of me, there have been a lot of little things that bring me joy. And for that I'm thankful.
Oh Kelly, I'm sorry you have to miss that wild soul. Tell her hey from me next time you skype.
And I'm jealous of the wild grapes. Just so you know.
oh I love wild grapes! We have grapes in our yard and they make such yummy treats
I'm sorry you have to miss your best friend. I just am.
I've been dying to try those skinnygirl margaritas! not b/c of the calorie count, but b/c of how adorable the bottles are!! lol
Your trail looks like an OR trail... you in Corvallis??
xxo, Bev
ahhhhhh your dogs are adorable~~
Skype has become the epitome of freaking awesome.. just because I get to talk to you (multiple times!) on it.
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